Archive for June, 2010

TBS Just For Laughs Festival

Monday, June 7th, 2010

Just For Laughs

Hello one and all,

It is I!  The omnipresent blog voice of Long Pork with another chance to see Long Pork in all it’s Cannibalistic Glory!  We are in the TBS Just for Laughs festival as part of the Sketch-travaganza: Best of Sketchfest section.  Here are the details:

Saturday June 19th
8:00 pm
Studio BE
3110 N Sheffield Ave
Chicago, IL
Buy Tickets

Also our very own Zoran Gvojic is doing a showing of his videos featured on as part of Lights, Camera, Action, CUT: Comedic Short Film.  Here are the details for that:

Thursday June 17th
9:00 PM
The Lincoln Lodge
4008 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL 60618
Buy Tickets

So come to both, come to one, but make sure not to come to none.  Yes, I’m proud of that rhyme.